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In 1886, the corner of Smedley Street and Main Street, Kapunda contained three premises, a dressmaker, a tailor, and a baker, at the rear in another building was the bakehouse.


In 1912 a map of Kapunda shows these three shops as being, on the corner of Smedley Street, Mayger Baker, Miss Pascoe’s Fancy Goods (Bob Hawkes grandmother), and at the southern side, Thomas’ Stationery and Bookseller.


The 1940 map shows G. Lamb Baker, A Trevana Tailor, and J. Hancock Jeweller. In 1960, the two shops closest to the corner were combined as Masters Bakery, with the former jeweller shop being vacant that year. By 1980, the vacant shop had been demolished.

The last bakery that called the building home was the Eudunda Bakery,
closing it's doors in Kapunda in June 2019.

Information kindly provided by Allen Tiller

Blueberry Pie
Blueberry Pie
Lemon Meringue Pie
Lemon Meringue Pie
Pane di Casa
Panne di Casa
Strawberry Shortcake
Strawberry Shortcake

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